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It is called “The School of Doing” and it is a training centre for young people aged between 13 and 15. It was created in the Don Bosco Institute in the Doganella District in Naples and it was designed and promoted by the Riva Foundation. Addressing young people who did not find a place to express themselves in the traditional school, “The School of Doing” represents an alternative aiming at developing the skills of the individuals, in synergy with local businesses.
SAPA, together with FCA, SDA, GAROFALO and many other partners who decided to believe in this project, plays a very important role, both because it strengthens its presence in the local community and because it gives young people the opportunity to put into practice what they learn via an internship at its plants. But this is not all.
Two courses will start for 40 young people, namely: Motor vehicles repair Operator and Logistic Systems and Services. The teachers will be also joined by expert technicians who work for the businesses involved so as to couple practice and experience. As you may know, combining these aspects has always been of the utmost importance for us since the creation of our company.
The presentation, with the title “Possible Future Scenarios” was on the 11 February 2019: the speakers presented the opportunities that can arise from a district like this one and talked about the importance of being an active part of change.
Antonio Riva, president of the “Alberto and Franca Riva” foundation said at the presentation:
“The school aims at supporting the professional and human growth of these young people. We have created a network of local foundations, schools, businesses and institutions. We want this school to be a reference point for the whole Campania region, not only for Naples. When choosing the partnering businesses, we gave precedence to local businesses to create a bridge between training and work”.
SAPA, who is a multinational company in the automotive sector, has always been committed to education and training.
SAPA has always been very attentive to the local community and has decided to invest in some difficult local communities with the aim of bringing the positive sides to light, which is a fundamental pillar of our work.
Besides creating the Angelo Affinita Foundation ONLUS, which enshrines my father Angelo’s human and spiritual legacy, and which operates in critical areas such as education and professional training – thus enhancing the local potential, SAPA has committed to promoting education over time: some important initiatives for education characterise the department called SAPA ACADEMY, which focuses on training.
The focal point is certainly the collaboration with University and the Angelo Affinita Prize, which you have certainly heard about: it is a research prize which is awarded each year to young people who distinguish themselves for their study of a research field close to SAPA’s field. But the élan towards what is good and what is beautiful does not end here. Besides collaborating with some local schools, SAPA supports education by issuing vouchers for its employees to purchase school books for their children, it supports the Italian Fund for the Environment and many more initiatives, because there is no growth without education.
At SAPA, we have always believed in this attitude and we’ll continue to do so.
Kind regards,
Giovanni Affinita
Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors at SAPA
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