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SAPA on Il Sole 24 Ore with an interview with Antonio Affinita
Industrial growth, future perspectives and investment in patented solutions.
This and other issues dealt the article in Il Sole 24 Ore dedicated to the recent takeover of the Group Brigoni S.p.A made by SAPA.
The influential business newspaper found it interesting to point out the terms of the operation, outlining the future direction of SAPA, with a short interview with Antonio Affinita.
Click here to read the full article.
SAPA’s growth path is strongly outlining in recent months. A David competing among the many multinational Goliaths that dominate the automotive plastics industry.
To be able to stand on the shoulder of these giants, we are making tremendous efforts in Research and Development to find patented, agile and effective solutions that allow us to compete on the market.
Brigoni’s takover is just another step in this direction, in order to be able to bring automotive plastics to a higher level, thanks to the quality of the products and the solutions intelligence.
Starting from recent patents such as SAPA Inside ™ dedicated to the Engine Beauty Cover, or the automatic saddling process that allows us to produce the largest leather component in the world.
The result is also the interest of big newspapers such as Il Sole 24 Ore, which give us space both online and on paper. If you also want to read the article dedicated to SAPA on the paper, click on the image below.
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