We reduce the weight and costs of auto parts

We reduce the possibility of producing waste parts, even if with less manpower


One-Shot® method

How did we arrive at
the patented
One-Shot® method?

This was born in the 60s.

We took inspiration from Angelo Affinita, founder of SAPA. As a boy he worked with his father, who produced handcrafted fixtures. A beautiful, noble, artistic but decidedly long and laborious work. Each fixture was made by hand.

Angelo Affinita's intuition was to move from artisanal production to mass production of fixtures. Optimize processes. Optimize the product. Less costs and guaranteed quality.

Ecco da dove siamo partiti

Abbiamo creato e impiegato le nostre risorse creando un reparto unico nel settore automotive, l’Ingegneria dell’Innovazione.

An entire SAPA department dedicated to research and development of unique and patented solutions to make your car components less heavy and less expensive .

Thanks to the strategies of our engineers and the exclusive and patented use of our automations, SAPA has managed to produce a component that is not only less expensive, but also lighter, adapting to the increasingly stringent directives on the weight of cars.
The One-Shot® method and the growing investment in research, has allowed us to double our patents every year, up to 20 patents in 2018.

And with important awards.

That's where we started

We have created and used our resources by creating a unique department in the automotive sector, the Innovation Engineering.


nominations and awards received

Innovation Award 2017

SAPA awarded together with Ford at the SPE Automotive TPO Conference 2017 in Detroit with the prestigious Innovation Awards

FCA – Qualitas Continuous Improvement

In 2015, the FCA Continuous Improvement award went to SAPA


SAPA is part of the ELITE project of Borsa Italiana and in partnership with the Academy of the London Stock Exchange Group

Word Class Manufacturing

SAPA has chosen to adopt the WCM – World Class Manufacturing standards

They talk about us

sapa on the main newspapers of the sector

What the Car Makers say about us

A-pillar bicolor & C-lower Pillar are really 2 interesting components.

Purchasing specialist - Škoda

SAPA? Yes, the company with the bullet in the logo for their particular production speed!

Interior, R&D Europe - Honda

We hope that One-Shot® technology can be a revolution in the development of the automotive sector, and can eradicate the normal gas injection process.

Car Design Interior and Exterior Modules - Mercedes

Getting to know SAPA and the One-Shot Method® at IZB was absolutely interesting. I’d love to dive into the process with an expert!

Interior Design Engineer - BMW

Yes, I remember perfectly SAPA, they are the One-Shot® company!

General Manager Cost Development Europe - Mazda



Transforms plastic into a finished component in a single production cell, in a single phase, without waste pieces.

Less weight and less cost of your car components (and higher quality)